Abstract art puzzle is a series of 14 plywood pieces, some are simple geometric shapes while others are organic, all of them are printed with rich graphic motives inspired by artists such as Kandinsky.
The idea behind this toy is to allow kids to create their own compositions, using the notches in the pieces to interlock them. The possible arrangements are countless. Not only you can build three-dimensional compositions but you can also use the different elements as pure graphical shapes to create designs in two dimensions.
The intention is to spark children's creativity and to develop their awareness of color, shape, pattern, and space, connecting them with their aesthetic sensibility.
Like many our products, not only the youngest can enjoy this puzzle, adults too can be entertained by it, making it a great gift or a source of inspiration for art students.
Design: Anna Bajor
Biggest element: 20 cm
Materials: Plywood 6 mm
Box: 29,5 cm x 13,3 cm x 3,5 cm
14 elements

This new puzzle contains 7 different illustrations, 6 on one side and a larger one on the other one. The 6 smalles images show: the Solar system, Earth, the Amazon river, the Amazon ecosystem, a hand with veins and lastly the atom. There is a zoom order to it, from the biggest to the smallest or backwards. The other side shows one big picture, childs point of view. Apple tree, meadow and sunset.
It tries to recognize the patterns in the universe, which mirror each other, like the solar system and the atom. It goes beyond what humans can perceive, incredibly small things and amazingly large.
We want kids to understand their place in the universe but also to see how the universe is complex and incredible. There’s even a poetic level to it, it appears in the relations among those images. It is a quite complex toy, child can discover new layers and meanings to it as it developes. We recommend it for children from 3 years old, but we think it is great for adults too.
Design: Anna Bajor and Sebastián Rubiano
Size of the biggest puzzle: 30 cm x 30 cm x 13 cm
Difficulty: Hard
Materials: Solid sycamore wood - 13 mm
Box: 22 cm x 23 cm x 4,5 cm
36 double sided pieces.

This sorter pictures some of butterfly species from around the world. It perfects the skill of picking up differences and picking out the details hard to see at the first sight. The toy increases child’s motoric development and ability to identify and match the correct forms. Unlike our other sorters, this one has symmetrical shapes but both sides of each butterfly can be very different, just like in the real insects.
Butterflies give joy through use of bright and vibrant colors. It invites to create compositions or build a butterfly tower!
It can also be a decorative, colorful piece for the wall or interior.
Design and illustrations: Anna Bajor
Size of the puzzle: 26,5 cm x 16,5 cm x 2,5 cm
Materials: Beechwood board (18 mm thick)
and butterflies made of sycamore wood (13 mm).
Box: 28,3 cm x 17 cm x 4 cm
Elements: 8 butterflies + board

We like to make toys that show diversity of life on our planet. This toy shows 7 species of whales in a form of a sorting board. They are bigger and smaller, all of them very cute. Sadly the real animals are threatened by humans, fishing, pollution and climate change. It’s a good way to get to know them and of course learn how to recognise the shapes and sizes. Toy can be used as a sorter, a decorational piece or child can build whale tower.
Design and illustrations: Anna Bajor
Size of the puzzle: 26,5 cm x 16,5 cm x 2,5 cm
Materials: Beechwood board (18 mm thick)
and whales made of sycamore wood (13 mm).
Box: 28,3 cm x 17 cm x 4 cm
Elements: 7 whales + board

Bees are one of the most important creatures on Earth. Thanks to their work as pollinators we have many plants, vegetables and fruits.Each of them plays a specific role in the hive. They have to work together to survive, stay safe and healthy.
The Hive is a set of 30 wooden blocks introducing the genius of the bee family. Hexagonal based blocks teach not only how the honeycomb is built, but are a door to the fantastic bee universe hidden in the hive. Blocks have different colors and prints to represent honey, worker bees, eggs, larvas, drones and the queen.
The blocks might be used to recreate life and actions of bees. You can become a beekeeper and build your own constructions, take care of the queen, or feed the eggs.
Blocks can be used also to build crazy constructions to free your spatial imagination.
Bees are very close to our hearts, even some of our coworkers are professional beekeepers. Thats why we put on our website some additional information and illustrations showing common bee activities. Check this link:
Design: Anna Bajor
Size of hexagonal modular piece: 5 cm x 4 cm x 2,2cm
Materials: beechwood and sycamore wood
Box: 13,5 cm x 14 cm x 15 cm
30 wooden blocks

In 10 wooden characters everyone can recognize at least one familiar person. Each of them is different and unique. Just like humans on Earth. You can try to built a tower balancing them or try to use special semicircle to balance their weight. This is a game of skill and balance. It is an amusing metaphor - human being as a wooden brick is just a part of a bigger construction - mankind. People have to hold together not to fall down from shifting ground. Here is toy with a moral.
Design and graphics: Anna Bajor
Size of the balancing base: 18 cm x 5 cm x 2 cm
Materials: Maple wood (13 mm)
Box: 27 cm x 17 cm x 3,5 cm
10 human figurines + balancing base

This interesting toy is proof that the whole is more than the sum of its parts! The three solid wood cars with different shapes and sizes are supposed to be stack in different arrangements while keeping the wheels touching each other, by doing so you will see that when you push the cars the movement of one wheel is transferred to the next by the simple principle of friction. This action is a good example of the law of cause and effect, one wheel moves the next but it does so in the opposite direction (This toy is practically Newtonian!).
To accentuate this effect we have created a series of patterns inspired by clean and colorful modernist compositions and the rich palettes we used for the wheels complement the simple primary colors of the car bodies.
This toy has the intention of being a flexible system. kids can play with the pieces separately and get stimulated by the colors and shapes or they can explore the endless possibilities that staking them up provides.
Last but not least this is a beautiful object even in its static form and it can be a great decorative element, not only for children’s rooms, I wouldn't be surprised to find it on the shelf of an architect or a designer.
Design: Wojciech Bajor - Graphics: Sebastián Segura
Size of the cars:
Magenta car: 12 cm x 4,5 cm x 6 cm
Yellow car: 17m5 cm x 5,3 cm x 6,3 cm
Light blue car: 14 cm x 5 cm x 6 cm
Materials: Bodies: Sycamore / Wheels: Beechwood
Box: 21,8 cm x 11 cm x 6,5 cm
3 stackable cars

‘Mythical creatures’ is a puzzle without a correct answer. Inspired by imaginary creatures from myths and legends. We have created these three sets of wooden parts so that children can bring to life these fascinating beasts from the old tales, or they can simply explore different combinations to create brand new animal-like creatures.
These parts will provide hours of fun, exploration and stimulate their creativity. If you look closely you will notice that every shape is abstract enough to represent any part of the body, the prints are flexible, therefore one pattern can be either scales, fur or just a decorative motive.
Every set contains 15 parts, and with those you can not only assemble the creature shown in the label but come up with your own, and even better you can combine different sets to multiply the possibilities, the imagination is the limit.
Every set is beautifully printed in 6mm plywood and comes in a cardboard box that can be used to keep these parts together after the playtime is over.
Design and graphics: Sebastián Rubiano
Size of the biggest element: 13,5 cm x 8 cm x 0,6 cm
Materials: Plywood 0,6 cm
Box: 16,5 cm x 17,3 cm x 4 cm
15 elements (in each set)

As always Tobe brand explores new ideas that go beyond the classic toys. This doll is redefining how we see skeletons. Sometimes skulls and bones can be considered spooky but that’s not always the case. We took something that can be scary and we turned it into a character worthy of love and care.
If you think about it, it is a part of us all, it holds us, it protects our heart and lets us dance. No matter who we are how we look on the outside, you will see that deep inside there is a Bobbi Bones!
To ensure the quality of printed color we use soft polyester. It is packed in a cardboard ecological tube.
Design: Anna Bajor
Height of the doll: 37 cm
Materials: Polyester
Cardboard tube: 10 cm (diameter) x 24 cm height.

Another of the mythical creatures we are bringing to life this year is the unicorn, A character that has represented magic and fantasy in literature, folktales and cinema .
This toy is a multi sensorial experience. Texture, sound and a shape with the right amount of abstraction are making it really appealing to children. Our Unicorn gallops gently when pushed or pulled and the bells inside its neck create a pleasant and soft sound...almost like a lullaby.
Silicone rings on its wheels keep good grip with the surface for better gallop. Packed in cardboard box. It is a cute toy and a decorative piece as well.
Design: Anna Bajor
Size of the toy: 14 cm x 16 cm x 7 cm
Materials: Sycamore wood
Box: 18 cm x 21 cm x 9 cm

Continuing with our exploration of the mythological theme from around the world, we decided to look eastwards to the Himalayan folklore, particularly the myth of the Yeti.
Rather than a monstrous creature, we have decided to present the “Abominable Snowman” as a friendly giant with a big smile. Our Yeti is a creature worthy of sympathy, love, and care, who enjoys helping climbers on their way to the Everest!
This toy is a great companion for children’s imaginary adventures, With his [Articulated] arms and legs it offers a wide range of movement and it has great potential for interaction.
It is made out of unpainted sycamore wood, which is naturally white.
Design: Anna Bajor
Size of the toy: 18 cm x 7 cm x 10 cm
Materials: Sycamore wood
Box: 19 cm x 11 cm x 11 cm

The winged horse, particularly in its more popular incarnation known as pegasus is one of the most recognizable symbols of speed and boundless freedom, this is probably one of the reasons why it has also been used as a metaphor for artistic creativity.
To talk about this creature is to talk about adventure. And that's precisely what our Pegasus represents a fearless partner taking children on endless quests.
In this case it was very important for us to play around with contrasting textures. the body and articulated legs made from sycamore wood, the Bristle tail and felt wings create a rich overall effect. This.. and the slightly abstract silhouette we have designed make our pegasus something of an art piece.
Design: Anna Bajor
Size of the toy: 15 cm x 17 cm x 7 cm
Materials: Sycamore wood
and Black oak (limited edition)
Box: 20 cm x 14 cm x 8,5 cm

In its most basic sense this toy is a series of 6 concentric arches of constantly increasing radius, but, we are dividing each of those arches into an increasing number of segments, starting with the unit at the center, [a semi-circle] then the second arch divided into two equal shapes, the third in three and so on, all the way up to the sixth, divided into six equal pieces.
This is an elegant and logical system to create blocks that can be stacked up in this perfect radial order or you can build pyramids, walls, linear arrangements, and of course develop your own way to play.
Behind this toy, there are ideas of geometry and math and you can explore physical concepts that apply to real-life structures like bridges or arches
It is truly amazing how such a simple idea as dividing the fundamental arches and the resulting curved blocks creates so many possibilities and hours of entertainment.
Design: Wojciech Bajor
Size of the rainbow: 30 cm x 15 cm x 2,5 cm
Materials: Sycamore wood
Box: 15,5 cm x 30,5 cm x 4,5 cm
21 elements

You already know Bajo rabbit. This year we wanted to give a tribute to our garden neighbour, the squirrel. It jumps when pushed, imitating the real animal. Has a felt tail and keeps a symbolic nut in its hands. those two wheels in front make a rattling sound when picked up.
We wanted it to be fun, happy, cute and colorful. So comes in two different color schemes, with lots of prints. Our inspiration were Alebrijes, mexican folk sculptures.
Design: Anna Bajor
Size of the toy: 17 cm x 13 cm x 9 cm
Materials: Wooden body and wheels, Felt tail.
Box: 20 cm x 14,5 cm x 9cm

Cuddly friends
78330 - Yukka the bear
78340 - Quinn the elephant
78350 - Kari the deer
78360 - Teri the dog
Soft toys have always been a great part of the “Toy universe” the way in which you can play with them, how they react to the touch and how they truly seem to possess a personality of their own, are things that have fascinated us for many years.
With this collection of cuddly friends we are bringing all the knowledge and passion we have been putting into our wooden objects to the world of plush toys
This group of friends are always going on adventures and they are looking forward to make friends with the children of the world and why not? The adults as well.
The eyes and all the details of the face are embroidered. The clothes they are made out of is cotton knitwear. All the fabrics we are using respond to OEKO-TEX standard 100 and are produced in Poland.
Design: Anna Bajor
Height of the Cuddly friends:
Yuka the bear: 32 cm
Kari the deer: 47 cm
Quinn the elephant: 36 cm
Teri the dog: 34 cm
Materials: Please check video
Box: 35 cm x 13,5 cm x 8,5 cm

The animal figurine family is growing bigger!
This is a set of 12 animals from the savannahs and the jungles of the world, the wildest creatures on earth but also some of the most popular amongst kids.
These figures keep a proportional size and modern graphic style with the previous set “The farm” so they can be mixed together as a collection.
They are all made in solid wood: the biggest animals like the elephant and the rhinoceros are made with a thickness of 18 mm while the smallest ones are made in 13 mm, in this way there’s a representation of the animal’s features also in 3D while being ergonomic for the child to grab and manipulate.
The packaging of this set is also special and follows the idea we started with “The farm”. It contains a cut-out that is printed on the box, it can be easily cut out with the help of an adult and ta-da! immediately we have a jungle scene to play with these figures.
*The figures can be ordered separately as well and will come in a paper packaging properly tagged with the figure in it.
Design: Sebastián Rubiano
Size of the figures:
Elephant: 14 cm x 10,6 cm x 1,8 cm
Gorilla: 9,4 cm x 10 cm x 1,8 cm
Zebra: 10,2 cm x 11,6 cm x 1,8 cm
Lion: 11 cm x 8,5 cm x 1,8 cm
Tiger: 12,5 cm x 8 cm x 1,8 cm
Rhinoceros: 14,5 cm x 7,6 cm x 1,8 cm
Snake: 14 cm x 14,6 cm x 1,3 cm
Giraffe: 9,4 cm x 19 cm x 1,3 cm
Crocodile: 17 cm x 5 cm x 1,8 cm
Tucan: 6,6 cm x 5,7 cm x 1,3 cm
Monkey: 7 cm x 6 cm x 1,3 cm
Materials: Beechwood
Box: 22,5 cm x 22 cm x 4,5 cm
11 elements

We can’t get enough of these animals!
This is a new set of 10 animal figures from the forest and European fauna. It is a good addition to all our animal figurines since it’s made in the same graphic style, kind of solid wood and proportional in size. Kids can create a whole animal kingdom mixing these sets up.
These animals are minimalist, modern and their details are designed in a clever way, not only their size but also their thickness vary so each of them will show their own character, the biggest animals are 18 mm thick and the smallest ones are made in 13 mm, feeling good in the child’s hand as they are easy to grab and fun to play with.
They come in a cardboard packaging with a cut-out forest printed on it, this can be taken away from the box by an adult using regular scissors to have a ready made scenery for the figures.
*The figures can be ordered separately as well and will come in a paper packaging properly tagged with the figure in it.
Design: Sebastián Rubiano
Size of the animals:
Deer: 9,3 cm x 11,8 cm x 1,3 cm
Bison: 12,5 cm x 9,5 cm x 1,8 cm
Bear: 12 cm x 7,2 cm x 1,8 cm
Wolf: 10,5 cm x 7,4 cm x 1,3 cm
Fox: 10 cm x 6,8 cm x 1,3 cm
Boar: 9 cm x 6,3 cm x 1,8 cm
Owl: 4,4 cm x 6 cm x 1,3 cm
Racoon: 10 cm x 5 cm x 1,3 cm
Squirrel: 4,7 cm x 5,5 cm x 1,3 cm
Hedgehog: 5,2 cm x 3,5 cm x 1,3 cm
Materials: Beechwood
Box: 22,5 cm x 22 cm x 4,5 cm
10 elements

Endangered animals
25250PA - panda
25250PB - polar bear
25250RH - rhino
25250LE - leopard
25250EL - elephant
25250PN - pangolin
25250TI - tiger
25250WH - whale
25250GO - gorilla
25250OR - orangutan
Fifty years back, wild animals represented 30 percent of all creatures living on the Earth. Today it is only 3 percent. We, humans, are responsible for this. We should share this matter with our children. They should get to know the beautiful creatures which inhabit the lands and seas all over the world.
Biodiversity is a key to survival on our planet. It is also a name of this collection of wooden animals that because of human actions are on the edge of extinction. Folk inspired patterns remind about the longtime connection between human and animal life.
We have 10 figures: Elephant, Orangutan, Gorilla, Whale, Leopard, Pangolin, Panda, Tiger, Polar bear, Rhinoceros,
They are sold individually packed in special cardboard envelope.
Design: Anna Bajor and Sebastián Rubiano
Size of the Animals:
Elephant: 14 cm x 10,5 cm x 1,8 cm
Whale: 20,5 cm x 11,5 cm x 1,8 cm
Leopard: 17 cm x 7 cm x 1,8 cm
Pangolin: 14,5 cm x 15 cm x 1,8 cm
Tiger: 15 cm x 9 cm x 1,8 cm
Polar bear: 17 cm x 8,5 cm x 1,8 cm
Orangutan: 10 cm x 10 cm x 1,8 cm
Panda: 13 cm x 8 cm x 1,8 cm
Rhinoceros: 14,5 cm x 9 cm x 1,8 cm
Gorilla: 10 cm x 11 cm x 1,8 cm
Materials: Beechwood
Cardboard envelope: 24,5 cm x 13 cm x 2,5 cm

For generations wooden blocks have accompanied and stimulated children’s imagination, helping them develop their understanding of the world through basic geometry and color. We could say that they are one of the most basic toys and it is precisely this simplicity what makes them so substantial.
Bajo is definitely no stranger to wooden blocks and years of experience producing this kind of toy have given us the confidence to improve something that is almost perfect.
We have taken the basic block, and we have cut out part of basic each figure. Now we can, for example, create a negative space by putting two pieces together. This means that with the “Architectural Blocks” we can create intersections and arrangements that are simply unattainable with the regular blocks. Expanding the possibilities and creating a whole new dimension for children to explore.
Again, like with most Bajo products, the intergenerational aspect is very important. not only children of different ages can discover different layers of meaning. Also, this toy is versatile and challenging enough that parents playing along with their children can feel engaged and entertained too.
Design: Wojciech Bajor
Size of the biggest block: 2
Materials: Sycamore wood
Packaging size: 26 cm x 26 cm x 19 cm
107 elements